reddit competitive wow. Currently, my guild does two 2-hour nights a week on advancement, and that's it. reddit competitive wow

 Currently, my guild does two 2-hour nights a week on advancement, and that's itreddit competitive wow  Hold-release means you have to find the right moment to queue the spell on a single key press down, and this was very inconsistent for me

guru is now fully updated to support Season 3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like how raids have warcraft logs, players from. 151942 Members. 0. Not damage meters. /targetenemy your name here. Tanks didn’t have the same mitigation style as today so doing dungeons back then required a different approach. 7. 2 later on into the patch but I was receiving a lot of messages asking for it so I decided to start working on it sooner. Good: Yes and no. I heal as disc and usually I handle both mobs when they come out, one with a dispel and the other with power word life, but in higher keys I usually still need to cast an extra heal or two on them for a full heal. Stone-Bear. Oh, and those hard fights do have a couple specs that perform better on them anyway, which by no means makes WW mandatory in any way lmao. Find detailed discussion of meta, esports and events as well as guides, advice, and tips that go beyond the basics. they are trying to get us market. Hesitating to make balance changes because it'll impact those events functionally means you can only make balance changes when you release major patches, which leaves players with an unbalanced meta for long. Bobbyfrunk • 8 mo. A subreddit for World of Warcraft PvP players and fans to share and discuss their experiences, tips, guides, and rankings. r/CompetitiveWoW. looking to extend to 14; ideally a healer and dps. io or. Server only affects the guilds you can join and the Auction house. I think i underestimated the amount of time to put together a ramp, i was literally popping SS as the ability was 5 seconds away, so this is going to improve things tremendously. it took me a. 5. Risk is what makes Hardcore extra enjoyable, of course, but there is a thing as too much risk — and if you’re dungeoning with people you don’t know you’re adding even more risk to an already dangerous situation. The scaling is extremely weird and seems to be buggy sometimes as well. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. WOW that BM hunter buff! Comment by DreadfuryDK on 2021-07-09T20:31:44-05:00 >Shadow Priest nerfs "Oh god oh no my reroll's about to be killed off I'm gonna-" >It's super tiny in the grand scheme of things "Oh that's fine. 2k. . M4nnis • 8 mo. The WoW Subreddit has gone private in protest of Reddit's recent and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third-party tools, accessibility, and moderation ability. r/CompetitiveWoW. I don’t know if I would agree with “run by melee”. Wanna know how many installs happened after this post and last night? 20000 installs of the companion app. 71 47. Some context to do this: I play this game mostly due to M+ with my friends. Is this your first time playing World of Warcraft? First check out the New Player Guide to pick your server, faction, and class, then come back here for a quick crash course. The amount of defensive options, off-healing, tank healing, and smart play from your team is absurd. 99/100 the people who broadcast how easy WoW is don't even raid Heroic, they raid Normal and assume Mythic is basically the same just with 20 people. e. 4th Sheet: M+ Loot Table. You have to join one and just get logs. 9. I’m looking to join the completionist group and make that my primary goal in SL. You’re a DPS that has extremely powerful defensive cooldowns. Most people work 80 hours in 2 weeks with days off. Our community is filled. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Created Jun 10, 2008. Classic WoW is purely for nostalgia. The other weekly threads are: Weekly M+ Discussion - Tuesdays. I've been coming to Competitive WoW for a while. Here for all Writers, journalists, analyst, reporters, fans etc. My 11. 6 hours ago. Just solo kick them and they will walk right in. Rushing testing isn't good, but there's a lot of overlap between WoW and Diablo players. 0 Wishlist - Class Fantasy 2. It’s an artifact from the olden days of WoW. 73. 37 38. I'm not sure if m0 will be released on Monday after launch. Join the Discord and LFG for more opportunities to play with other players. theres so much talent there but they decided to get governor. Use of hate speech in any form will result in an immediate permanent ban from the subreddit. [art by me] Art. A place for in-depth discussions of Competitive Overwatch™ (the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment). turbogaze. But that said, it’s very satisfying once things start clicking. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. IMPORTANT - As long as the Main completes Tyr's Challenge questline for all 5 sparks, your Alt can instantly grab all 5 Sparks and the Essence Detector buff to get Sparks to drop in any content. [art by me] Art. Sairal • 1 yr. one aoe bursting blood is pretty worthless aswell. Mantrum. Can only be used out of combat and it shows as an extra action button. Which can make a fair buck if you are a RP realm. This is so insightful and extremely helpful, i honestly cant thank you enough for taking the time to write this. The Reddit community has always been a key source of support and feedback for Wipefest, so I wanted to share the news that we have completed our. Is this your first time playing World of Warcraft? First check out the New Player Guide to pick your server, faction, and class,. 10 OP /way 86. To take r/competitivewow literally, I'd totally agree with you. This week also had the boss that drops rank 3 for the extra procs on prolonged power also. These blood tokens can be exchanged for ilvl 366 gear (that scales up to 408 in pvp content!) at this NPC in Valdrakken! At first sight, this doesn’t seem particularly efficient (kill 800 players for a 366 weapon). These are based on the encounter journal, meaning the bosses will probably look and play somewhat differently than what I am describing. 02 45. Weekly M+ Discussion. Members Online [10. 80 74. r/CompetitiveWoW. World of Warcraft. Both +22s and +28s are "more competitive than r/wow" but one of them is super serious top tier competitive and the other one is kind of semi-competitive. If you want a chill experience and a community that has very little outward toxicity, go with 14. When you run out the rogue should have tricks back, the caster should be dead (or close to) and you just slow kite to first boss. 2) Speculation. esports. A lot of new players get super confused by the story while leveling, and if you want any idea of what is going on in the game then I'd recommend youtube lore videos far over trying to read quest text or watch in-game cutscenes. I would recommend you waiting for Fresh WotLK Servers, which comes in a month or so with WotLK Prepatch. 749 Online. 3) Guild/Team/Partner requests and/or advertisements. Something fishy is going on. There are. If I could, I would sleep next to Dratnos on that sweet, sweet dino pillow. . 11. Another thing that seperates them from other servers is the 'Random Enchant' System. Can someone explain how to use enchanted wyrms dreaming crest. Last night I put this together and posted it. It's been a while since I last posted and figured it was time to do another update post. If you play on the full pop servers it's easy to pug 2-3 bosses (relatively) and much easier to find the 3/8~5/8 guilds that you're looking to join. Breakdown of Thundering Hero (. Definitely recommend! Shmooperdoodle 3 yr. Dungeons and Raids. Created Nov 1, 2012. Coming into. Hope you pull thru. Hard agree, S1 was run by melee, imo S2 will be run by ranged. [With weekly restarts] Stormsurge absorb shield reduced by 20% in Heroic difficulty. The critical failure that I've seen put all tinkers on a 6hr cd (debuff). TLDR: There is a w ebsite for posting dragon-riding times to create a more competitive time set, I would love for more people to show their times off. Increases damage and healing done by 30% Immune to root effects and movement speed cannot be reduced below 100%. Getting 400 FPS in the middle of nowhere isn't impressive. This week also had the boss that drops rank 3 for the extra procs on prolonged power also. 0 None (Default). I don’t really care to mark all mobs I just want the important casters marked. Discussion. You. This subreddit is dedicated to the. There is no grand strategic element unlike mobas and like a fighting game. It’s a win win for Microsoft. ago. ago. ImMoray • 2 mo. Use this thread to discuss this week's affixes, routes, ideal comps, etc. 04 = 99. Imho Fresh Classic Servers are the most fun activity. steini2. I understand that free trials are meant for you to "Try" the game. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. Ensure the corruption level you play at does not hinder you or your healer. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. This will give you the widest selections of guilds to join, and the healthiest auction house, and there are really no negatives. When new systems come out that challenge players to learn, like DF crafting or the 10. 1 Hotfixes. Echo defeats mythic Raszageth world first! Clip of the kill. This past April, Reddit announced plans to charge for access to its API in order to combat companies using it to train AI programs, citing them as extremely profitable big companies benefitting from Reddit's API for free. Aggro gains multipliers based on proximity to mobs. A place for competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and…Hey guys I know this gets asked a lot, but with the recent changes I was wondering about what's the easiest competitive spec on the game. You probably need someone that got CE months ago which should be approximately at the top 1000 best guilds or much higher (~500 should start being too die hard). Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 10. r/CompetitiveWoW. 3-1. Nostalgia. 0. I don’t really care to mark all mobs I just want the important casters marked. Super rares haven't dropped anything for me above 379, I've been 379 since the start of week 2. - 1 month ago. Sure 8% damage and health doesn't feel like a lot, but that means packs live longer, so there are more damage events per pack and each one hits harder. These are completely different types of MMORPGs that shouldn't be compared. Top 1% Rank by size. 2) Speculation. The highest DPS ever logged by a guardian druid in any key this season is less than 17k according to Warcraft logs. Hunter can misdirect and mage can mirror image off the big threat on their CDs. 3s are definitely very slightly less stupid than 2s right now, but even there r1/tourney players are getting globalled by randoms so it's certainly not enough. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. Yes, this time including Mythic, sorry for that ! It features also several languages, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and soon Ukrainian. Currently, my guild does two 2-hour nights a week on advancement, and that's it. Created Apr 25, 2012. ago. The only relevant portion for competitive raiding is getting your 8 M0's done in weeks #1 and #2. A 20 makes sure that you get key you want. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. r/wow • Locations of All Dragonscale Basecamp Flags [250 per, 5k rep total]. • 11 days ago. A place for competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. We use the addon DragonRidingRace to track times across the guild. 3. 1 goes live most people will be at 420+ ish ilvl. This means pooled PF/fire blast charges, trinkets ready to go, potion ready to go if relevant, maintaining 2 IC stacks for the duration, and getting it off of cooldown as quickly as possible. A place for competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 0 Wishlist - Class Fantasy 2. You'll need 18. At the beginning of Shadowlands I created an easy to use spreadsheet to help planning your raid roster. You can jump over rotating beams on HK-8 gauntlet. Use this thread to discuss this week's affixes, routes, ideal comps, etc. I can raid just fine, just turning down the graphics a bit. Gather them, stun them, build threat, then dip real quick cause they hurt real bad. new microsoft accounts. There are ways to determine which, if any, applications are accessing a specific file. From S2->S3 it's a 5 key level increase in difficulty instead (just based off mob HP). Topic Invite Link Description;. Go in and stay as long as you can in cd's (double stack them etc). Notable path difference TL;DR this week: **Atal Dazar BASIC : On your way back up after rezan, kill the 2 skyscreamers with the enchanted (left side of the dungeon if you face from entrance->yazma) As you approach vol'kaal there are 3 packs to kill on the right side (out of 4) - the stealthy dude + first undead + the 2 shieldbearer patrol near. The most fun I had in WoW in recent years was classic wow 2019 leveling up to 60 with my guild. Getting a spot as a tank in a regular guild group is quite difficult compared to dungeons. Hell to the yes. Refrain from: 1) Jokes, funny stories, etc. There's no good reason to play Frost over Unholy except for the fun factor (which is definitely important) however from a competitive angle and if you want an easier time in the higher key ranges, you're only hurting yourself by playing Frost instead of Unholy. I have noticed a. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. Here is the skinny; I am Protanopia Colorblind. Recruiting posts for Blizzard Social (cross-game) groups are allowed as long as the focus of the group is WoW-related and the group is seeking active WoW players. Imho Fresh Classic Servers are the most fun activity. We are at 11/12 atm. It's almost like a race is a lot more competitively-viable when the racetrack in question isn't littered with landmines, caltrops, quicksand, tar pits, bear traps, tripwires, and other obstacles that'll probably stop most people from getting super far. So people resort to buying gold from these communities. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. wowhead. yachts owned by bobby. Easy rep with artisans consortium. 2] Advanced Blood Death Knight Guide for M+. So to start with the difference between any 5 key levels is ~47%. • 2 yr. Here’s a summary of the best WoW addons Reddit users recommend. Just be aware that different kicks have different lockouts. WoW has almost zero casual content that is fun and engaging. The upgrade to 405 is available as a one time reward for maxxing out a reputation. I think the best piece of advice here that I don't remember seeing in other guides, is keeping similar classes of abilities in the same spots across different classes. ago. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Posted June 12. The moderators have attached their reasoning for the sudden change, writing “r/WoW has gone private in protest of Reddit’s recent behavior and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting. Go to SW, Trade District Inn, and buy a stack (x5) of Moonberry juice. The second story here is that Mythic. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Mythic Zskarn Visual Clarity & Brackenhide Hollow Buff - Dragonflight Patch 10. Its biggest feature is that it offers a "classless" experience where you can mix and match different classes to build your own hero. Tied to the m+ live pushing blizzard runs tournaments called the MDI (mythic dungeon international) where teams race eachother through dungeons head to head. 6th Sheet: S2 Minmax Table. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. More wow players, and wow sun only players will end up getting and keeping game-pass for the other games as well for the same price. Welcome! Please read--. 605. Hold-release means you have to find the right moment to queue the spell on a single key press down, and this was very inconsistent for me. Whatever is happening something big is coming. god damn the number of hunters/rogues/druids who fuck up these skips using stealth is unreal. Remember for you and your raiders to get the Kaze Weakaura. A subreddit for World of Warcraft PvP players and fans to share and discuss their experiences, tips, guides, and rankings. r/CompetitiveWoW. 27 comments. I had a look at warcraft log, Thundering only increase 3% or less of your overall DPS in M+ dungeons depend on how fast you are clearing Thundering. 73 /way 54. Don't need to wait for 0 and 0 procs. 31 39. Wow's combat still holds up today, but if you care about the story more, you'd be better off in FFXIV. ago. 128. Do a bunch of hunts -> get renown 25 -> get a 405 weapon. 154K Members. r/CompetitiveWoW. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Join. The WA will call all the healing Cooldown assignments to the individual players. Just wondering for the people that handle the afflicted affix in M+, if any targeting macros work on the mobs. r/CompetitiveWoW. The new Explosive has got to be the absolute worst fucking affix I've ever played with. I don't mind, I find most of them alright. But if i'm being honest, lots of trial users are making themselves refugees of the game, specially if you're looking in the FF14 side of the free trial. 2: You'll want to try to complete 4 or 10 15+'s the first week. Holy Priest M+ and DPS Guide : r/CompetitiveWoW. League has 5 minutes of analysis then a 4 min commercial break and back into the next game. Being synced down to 2. Quick macro for Morchie. A place for competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 1! Includes the correct way to use Shadowflame Crests so you're ilvl 441 in every slot by week 3! 655. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. r/WOW joins the many subreddits that have gone dark in protest of Reddit's new API pricing. 5% and arcane is 12%. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 5, and 10. •. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. . I took a chance and asked to borrow 3 gold for my riding skill. 16% nerf. More wow players, and wow sun only players will end up getting and keeping game-pass for the other games as well for the same price. Our community is filled with those looking to better. If you are speed leveling on launch night, you do NOT want to go and collect all glyphs as soon as you unlock dragon riding. r/Competitivewow is great of log help. The application watches your WoW combat log directory. If you don't expect any important debuffs in the next two minutes you should be using it on cooldown as a dps CD on top of your other dps abilities. If you're passionate about the players and teams in the Call of Duty League, or just playing with friends in League Play, this is the place for you. It’s only week 2 of the season and people’s gear gaps are wide, so it’s perfectly reasonable to farm 10-14 keys to gain appropriate gear, especially if you (like me) are not experienced M+ runners. WoW used to be operated by The9 until around 2009 - 2010 when they not only failed to get Wrath of the Lich King published in China but actually had the game's approval rescinded. Looted 10ish rares since, all 379-382 though where I'd have expected to rise to 385-388 level if it played out like last week. Pings are Coming to World of Warcraft in Patch 10. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. Add a Comment. Join. 3. This sub is about competitive play, not about overthinking everything. Make sure you have particle density set to the highest u can, helps me see all abilities much better. Then add on an additional 7 days 16 hours for heroic week is an additional 112 hours. Bacon-muffin • 1 mo. Unless you enjoy a lot spamming M+ or raiding HC/MM on Retail. ff14 takes much longer to level in and has a better/friendlier playerbase and a more broad, casual scope of things to do at max level besides just endgame. New to World of Warcraft Guide. You can just start recording your dungeon run or whatever and save it when you are done, performance impact is the same as save last X minute thingy. I think I slowly declined after Mists and fully was gone at the start of Legion. Humor / Meme. It’s the same damage profile. SPOILER. r/CompetitiveWoW •. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Or youll just die over and over. Though that was last season. Its not in the "wow I hate playing" more like the game just feels like d3 rn. Wowmeta helps you to improve at World of Warcraft by providing the latest statistics from World’s Top Players. Comment by GrasstThis is a reference sheet of abilities and quick boss notes for each dungeon in Season 2. Dragonflight Raid Roster Planning Spreadsheet. Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like rushing 1600 in Rated Battlegrounds would likely be the fastest and easiest week 1 activity to lock down the tier token. Best. World of Warcraft: Classic. Happy Dragonflight release day everyone! I know these are a bit early but I'm confident they'll hold up. 7. Hopefully you find it helpful, please let me know if there are any errors. ad6323 • 6 mo. 3. Questing, mount farming, RP and transmog, are basically the only casual content. In total that is 336 hours alone for the race to world first. If they want to help us they could give us a monk-equivalent of sanctified plates. You can find this week's affixes here . Scan this QR code to download the app now. Weekly Thread. Use this thread to discuss this week's affixes, routes, ideal comps, etc. Make big ticket items more attainable by tokens. Competitive Dragonracing Times. 0. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. You can't really go wrong either way. Trying to min/max your time to level is irrelevant unless you are a speedrunner or have like 5 hours / week to play. Free Talk Friday - Fridays. Compare it to an expense for fun you dont even hesitate on. Raidbots at €10, Warcraft logs at €1. Post logs, discuss hotfixes, ask for help, etc. Join. You can find out what is considered hate speech here. Raids- Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am PST Need- healer (pally or mist weaver- no priests) Dps- Warlock/shaman/hunter. There is absolutely no value proposition in WoW tokens. For better performance, you can go as hard as ~20% of your original resolution, but I. . FF14 has some brutally difficult raids (Ultimate) but overall, the game is much more casual than WoW. 0 coins. I just ran Amidrissal. Hidden WoW is a branch-off from the main r/wow subreddit intended to feature all things secret or less-known in the World of Warcaft. Else, Professions like Herbalism x Potions combo is defo worth. io or ), VODs, etc. Generally speaking succeeding as a fire mage consists of making sure you get as much out of your combust as possible. Members Online [10. B) really overtuned. 18. r/lolesports topics. Nice guys do play WOW. Unless you enjoy a lot spamming M+ or raiding HC/MM on Retail. You can get 376-379 (and apparently up to 389) gear in most slots if you farm rares enough. 1) Use your maximum, actual resolution, whatever that might be. Engineering giving access to an extra single target knockback and tailoring giving access to a consumable ranged 3s root and 15% threat reduction for non tanks. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Advertisement Coins. My 11. 6 hours ago. Halo Infinite. I’ve got an Asus RoG GA502DU - 15. The damage is wild. 303 votes, 614 comments. If you look down from above, the cone gets clipped into the ground and thus you cannot hit enemies in front of you, because the range of your cone is almost non-existant. 5) Asking which spec/class to roll. Hi Hello, I'm Sugar and I'm back with another set of boss guides. You have 92% uptime on roll the bones. 95 /way 28. Thundering doesn’t add anything positive and it’s one of the worst seasonal affix. Thinking creatively goes a long way on making other raider’s lives easier.